Love, there, would, Than, husband, attach by Mark Louis Benedict
Question by Black American Christian Woman: Are there any men other than a husband who would attach sex and love?
Many single men say that having sex with their girlfriend has nothing to do with love. But a husband always says having sex with his wife is all about love and feelings. Do you find this to be true as well? Waldo, so you are saying you only love your wife because you have sex with her? And that she has sex with you more than once a month as a duty, because you want it? In my opinion she should leave you.
Best answer:
Answer by Good point, right? Truth? Husbands are trapped and will tell you anything you want to hear if it means avoiding drama and an argument. You are only loved if you are acting in a way that deserves to be loved. If you are married but make his life miserable, "love" is NOT what is going through his mind.
EDIT: why so many thimbs down for keeping it real and telling it like it is???
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
You've read the headline, and it probably made you giggle. Go ahead. Get it out of your system. Then take a deep breath and consider how evolution affected a few specific body parts, and why.
Cool, images, Lastest, NEWS, picture, under, Eastern, Bloc Check out these sex for women images:
Eastern Bloc
Image by Stuck in Customs
For some reason, the picture of this gal I put up a few days ago got 4x the hits the my usual pictures in the first 24 hours. I don't understand why people like looking at this stuff instead of landscapes and strange buildings. So anyway, let them eat cake I say.... here is another.
(just kidding.... of course.... glad you like this series)
Thanks for all the comments on my stream. Here are Your Favorite shots! And here is Page 2 Thanks again!
Day 190/365 - Lysistrata
Image by Kevin H.
My first exposure to the ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes' play "Lysistrata" came from my World Lit class in undergrad. I remember being surprised by how funny and, um, earthy it was. I guess I thought anything that old and classic had to be dry and sedate. Although I'd read the play many years ago, I'd never seen it performed live until last night when I caught Synetic Theater's production of it. Technically though, I guess I've still never really seen it performed live.
Synetic's version of "Lysistrata" is more a re-interpretation or re-imagining than a straight production. It's a joint production with the Georgetown University drama department and most of the cast is composed of Georgetown students or recent grads. The play concerns a Greek woman who, tiring of the ceaseless war between her city-state and a rival state that drains their treasuries and destroys their men, organizes her fellow women and the women of their rival state to press for peace. The women's tactics include occupying the treasury building and stealing their men's armor and weapons, but their primary strategy involves a sex strike. No peace, no nookie. The immovable object of war thus meets the irresistible force of sex.
Synetic's production of "Lysistrata" is certainly funny, but a bit disappointing. They settle too easily for the broad, cheap laugh and the efforts to modernize the play come off as heavy-handed and a trifle clumsy. While they've largely maintained Aristophanes' original story, they've done more than a bit of violence to his words. Here's a thought -- when a play has survived for over 2000 years and been hailed as a great work all that time, the less you monkey with it the better. Case in point, the godawful rap sequence. Although I will admit that changing the lyrics of the Eagles' "Desperado" to "Lysistrata" in a later serenade scene was pretty damn funny.
"Lysistrata" is really an odd fit for Synetic. They do best when they focus on telling a story through dance, motion, and pantomime. There's not much of that in this production and what is there is a bit too MTV-ish. "Lysistrata" is more dialogue-driven and that is not Synetic's strength. Stretching yourself and trying new things is fine, but hopefully they'll return more to what they do best in future productions.
The costumes, score, and set for this production are all adequate but not particularly noteworthy. Nothing about any of them really stands out. Similarly, the performances are workmanlike, but none of the actors really shine in their parts. Synetic's production of "Lysistrata" is fine if you're just in the market for a few cheap laughs. Otherwise, you're better off reading the original.
(April 16, 2009)
"Copper Celt"
Image by Alpha's Alts
After a long absence we are back with "Copper Celt" designed by Grapho: The medieval armor which was largely used for the attachments is a full permissions item by Wyld Magic which Grapho has minutely re-textured as well as modified and added onto. This is a unisex outfit with skins and texture leotards for both sexes. All the attachments (and believe me there are a lot of them!) can be worn by men and women alike, although some scaling up may be called for where men are concerned. The ladies also get an extra skirt btw...
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free, mind, Episode, Comedy, Show, Hind
Jay Hind! Episode one is finally here. Watch it at one go. (The Episode is in 4 segments. You can watch it segment by segment on the same channel just start by clicking on Jay Hind Episode One - Segment 1 or going to hay Hind Episode 1 Playlist) This episode celebrates India's Freedom in a unique way and takes on the moral police. Watch Sumeet fight a lone and comic battle against the forces of fanatics of all sorts. And his own brand of swine flu masks. plus introduction to all the themes of the very first episode of the very first TV show on the internet. and of course it features the Interview with Savitabhabhi and first glimpse of Boothnath. (all our standard disclaimers apply. for the disclaimers please click on any of our 11 promos on the same channel or at
Cool, images, Nice, photos, relationship, free, scenes, Night, phone, health by neocorsten
Question by mchay:
Is phone sex bad for relationship or health?
I have phone sex about everynight with my boyfriend and I would like to know if this is bad for like a relationship in the long run or if causes any harm to my sexual health?
Best answer:
Answer by Lindsey P i hope goood i seem to be in the same boat your in
Much time is wasted trying to define people. It gives us an excuse to station each other, to separate, to differentiate; to award ourselves with a selfish sense of unique function. The definition of 'fan' for instance, has such bloody negative connotations. BUT there is nothing fixed, fanatical or unreasonable about someone who just wants to understand. And that's what I consider myself... To understand and grow we must dissect a person's values sometimes, yes, but to attach certain definitions and exploit a man, it's presumptuous and only proves that the ego rules. When the human ego dictates, we get greedy, we forget about 'love', we long for what we don't have; long to be where/what others are, see what they see, have what they have... no matter the expense. As soon as you expose a person's faults and pick them apart you encourage devaluation... unfortunately being in a position like Kyo, I'm sure he gets a lot of that. We all have our theories, we all have our versions of Kyo; scrutinized, written and brought to life on paper, in our minds. But none of it is real. We'll never be able to truly go where he goes, in mind, heart and body. But if you had the chance would you take it? I wouldn't because it demeans his purpose; to take his place is to cease his existence and there is purity in accepting and celebrating someone for just... existing (differently than you). To facilitate the changes the WORLD so craves Kyo must be where he is and we, as willing and capable ...
im a 15 year old girl in the uk and i know your sopost to be 16 to have sex, but i have really strong sexual feelings towards the 23 year old guy im seeing. he's not presuring me or making inapropiate moves but i know if something does happen beween us and somehow law is involved he would be in serious troble... but what would happen to him??? theres only 1 year till im legal!!! is it really that bad?!?!
from, after, Stop, semen, leaking by La Tête Krançien
Question by just wondering:
How can i stop semen from leaking out after sex?
I am on the depo shot and my boy friend and I prefer to have sex without a condom. The only problem is i discovered that after sex all the semen leaks out after i am dressed. It is a real inconvenience. We don't want to use a condom to stop the leakage but we also don't want any leakage. So, is there anything i can do to stop it?
Best answer:
Answer by littledevilinyourcup go pee immediately afterward and bear down a little to help push the semen out and wear a panty liner for an hour or so to absorb any remaining leakage.