Sunday, October 2, 2011

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Some cool all about sex images:

Alaska Zoo

all about sex

Image by akseabird

Almost as soon as we walked up to the Grizzly enclosure they started putting on a show

The male bear would get interested in the female, wander toward her and mount her. At first, she would seem receptive, then she'd get bored and assume basically this position. He'd hang out for a bit, then lose interest and wander away. Eventually she'd get bored and stop, he'd wander back, and it will all start over again. We saw this happen three or four times over the course of about 20 minutes.

Who knew bears masturbated? I didn't.

Either did most of the children there, or there parents. There were amusing exclamations from the children such as "Look, piggy back ride," "They're hugging!" and "Her butt itches, *hehehe*" And things from the mothers such as "OH MY GOD! She's touching her stuff." ("what's stuff mommy?")

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